Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Love of Christ Compels Us!

Pastor Paul Schneider's cell at Buchenwald Concentration Camp.
(Click on the pic for more information.)
Hi All,

Todays messsage from Pastor John centres on Pauls' Second Epistle to the Church at Corinth. In chapter 5, verse 14 we read that Paul is 'urged on' to proclaim the love of Christ to all. Because we are 'new people' in Christ, our old self is dead to us, therefore we have become ambassadors for Christ to bring that Gospel to the rest of the world.

It is very empowering to realize that the God-of-All-Space-and-Time chose mortal humans (just you and I) to be the message-bearers of His redemption of mankind. Why does God choose us and not another way? We are not told here, but I think it is because we are the pinnacle of his creation, if we cannot believe each other, what is there left to trust in in the world?

Do we not trust in the wonderful scientific advances discovered in the last 100 years? Of course! But we really only take those cures on faith: do you really know if there are tiny bugs floating in your blood stream and someone sticking a hollow metal tube in your arm and injecting in a liquid will, indeed, cure you? 'Trust me: I'm a doctor' is what we really believe!

Similarly, Paul tells the Corinthians (5:20) : 'God is using us to speak to you: we beg you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, receive the love He offers you-be reconciled to God.'

Christians everywhere must take the burden of responsibility of spreading the Gospel: it's not an option. When you stop rejecting the Holy Spirit and are thus justified, then sanctification by the Spirit will compel you to speak out: the Spirit will not let you be silent!

Listen to today's message: The Love of Christ Compels Us.

Prayer of the Day.
Jesus, our Saviour, thank you for giving up everything for us and making us your people. Live within us and teach us to follow you without counting the cost. For you live and reign with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Prayer Points.
Pray for boldness to look to the future and to live out your faith!
Pray for courage to do God's will and to reach out to others!

Todays Readings.
Ezekiel 17: 22-24
2 Corinthians 5: 6-10; 14-17
Mark 4: 26-34

Todays liturgical colour is
The colour of life and growth in nature. Used in the meditative teaching Seasons which emphasise the living demonstration in the Christian of the power of God's salvation.
Use from the First Sunday after Trinity, or from the Monday after Trinity Sunday, through the Season to, but not including, the Vespers of the Saturday before the First Sunday in Advent.

Minor Festivals (and Colours) this Week.
June 24: Birth of St John the Baptist. (Red)
June 25: Anniversary of the Augsberg Confession. (Red)


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