Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hello Again!
This week the Church celebrates the feast of Pentecost, which is the giving of the Holy Spirit to mankind. Originally a feast celebrated for the giving of the Law to Moses on Mt Sinai, it is now, as a Christian celebration, to remember the day the Holy Spirit decended, in an unmistakable way, onto those frightened and cowering apostles, transforming them into fearless proclaimers of the Truth.

This week, Lay Reader Steve brings us the words of Martin Luther as he reads the sermon from Acts 2: 1-21.

Click to listen or download: Pentecost Sunday.

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
11 May 2008

Prayer for the Day.
Almighty and merciful God, you sent your Holy Spirit at Pentecost, making the disciples bold to preach the Good News. Send us out with the power of the same Spirit to spread the fire of your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Readings for the Week.
Acts 2: 1-21
1 Corinthians 12: 3b-13
John 20: 19-23


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