Oil supply
Matthew 25:1-13 presents us with the parable of the Ten virgins. The key factor seems to be the oil supplies of the women involved. The wise each bring an extra container of oil for their lamps in case the bridegroom is 'long in arriving'. The foolish do not. When the bridegroom does arrive this problem is made evident in the dialogue between the wise and foolish young women. The wise cannot share lest they too run out of oil. The foolish have no oil and consequently need to go out and find a source at midnight. The end result is that by the time the foolish young women return the doors are closed and they are no longer welcomed or allowed into the banquet and celebrations.
It would appear in some sense that the wise young women were acting out of selfishness, but on the other hand it is a simple statement of fact. They had oil for themselves...not enough for themselves and the others.
There is a truth there in terms of our Christian lives and faith. Christian living and faith is something that each of us must do for ourselves. No one can do it for us, nor can we claim credit for either on the basis of ancestry, religious membership or past piety. Christian life and faith is, and must be, lived in the present moment in our current daily life. So the parable is asking us the question "Do you have enough oil?"
Do you have enough oil to live out your life each day as a called and claimed child of God? Do you have enough oil so that whenever God calls you that you are able to shine the light of his grace into the world around you? Do you have enough oil so that whenever you are summoned to your heavenly home, you are packed and ready to leave this life?
The concept of living each day as if it is your last is not new. This parable is a reminder of that.
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