An alternate reality...
In 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Paul paints a picture of his life and work as an apostle that is all but appealing. Hardships. Suffering. Endurance. Dishonour. Beatings. And so his list goes on. Not impressive in any one's eyes really. No wonder the people at Corinth didn't think too highly of him. Paul just didn't seem that successful or impressive. Yet there is a genuineness to Paul and his ministry. In verse 6-7 he speaks about his "purity, knowledge, patience and kindness" then goes on to describe his "true love, message of truth and power of God" which are all at work within his life. Later in verse 11 he speaks of how he has opened his heart wide to the Corinthians and encourages them to respond by also opening their hearts wide to Paul and his fellow travellers.
Mixed up in all this are what people consider to be impressive or successful. It appears that the Corinthians certainly did not see Paul this way because of what they were focusing on. Outward appearances. Grand speech. Not inner integrity and daily demonstrations of grace in every day life.
This still afflicts the church today. Small struggling congregations see the huge edifices, numerous staff, multiplicity of programs, and multi-million dollar budgets and consider themselves failures. Small numbers, struggling budgets, a single pastor (and sometimes not even that) and they feel defeated. Useless. Pointless. People go church shopping like so many consumers in some sort of spiritual department store and choose their churches and congregations on how glossy and impressive the packaging appears.
To these churches and church shoppers, Paul's message is clear. It is not about outward things...staffing, finances, programs, buildings...but about inner-life. The spiritual communion among members of the community. The grace extended through the daily lives of the people from this faith community.
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