Monday, July 03, 2006

Weekly Prayer.

Today I'm posting the Prayer* offered last Sunday at our service by Manfred W. I felt it was worth reproducing to be a comfort to all our readers.

'Dear Father in heaven, we glorify You and praise Your name; we give thanks to You for all the things You provide for our daily needs and pray for all of our brothers and sisters who struggle here and in far away places to simply have a roof over their heads or a meal a day. Be with them and give them hope and courage to face life day after day.

Father, we pray for our government leaders here in Australia and internationally. Give them the wisdom and the will to govern over their people and provide peace and plenty for all.

Father, we thank You for the recent rains, and pray for more to refill our dams and on the land to give our brothers and sisters hope and courage to work their farms.

Lord, we pray for all who have lost a loved one and who grieve. We also pray for our sick and shut-ins: give them hope and courage and let them recover the health they enjoyed in their lives.

We pray for our faiths' pastors that you inspire them in their endevours to spread Your 'Good News'. We thank you Father for our elders and church council members, our Sunday School teachers and Pastor John and his family who work with us here in Wollongong: bless them in their undertakings.

We pray for all these things, Father, in the name of your dear Son, Jesus Christ, who lives with You and with us here on earth.

(*Prayer wording edited to delete references to specific persons i.a.w. LCA Privacy Policy)


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