Monday, December 11, 2006

Road Works Ahead.

Hi Everybody!

Welcome once again to Pastor Johns' weekly message. In this, the second Sunday in Advent, we listen to how John the Baptist called for us to do some 'heavy roadworks' in preparing the way for the Lord.
My apologies for no posting last week. I had a last minute family obligation to attend to on Sunday so I was not able to attend Church.

Click here to download and listen: Road Works Ahead.

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
10 December 2006
Advent 2

Prayer of the Day.
Merciful God, you sent your messenger to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation. Turn us away from our sins, so that we greet our coming redeemer, Jesus Christ, with joy. For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer Points.
  • Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts to prepare us to celebrate Christmas, acknowledging Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
  • Ask God to show you ways of being generous this Christmas.
  • Pray for those in our community suffering illness or hospitalization: Christine F., Harold M., Wolfgang G., Hardy B., Fritz T., Josie K., Linda F. and Mac C.
  • Pray for those those whose homes and livelihoods are threatened by fires.
  • Pray for rain!
  • Pray for Mr Kevin Rudd, new leader of the Labor Party and for all politicians in our country that they would represent all people fairly and justly.
  • Pray for the people of Fiji facing an uncertain future and for peaceful rule in that country.
  • Pray for Nurima H., (child sponsored by St John's Sunday School) that she would have a healthy life and also that she would have opportunites to hear the Gospel.
Todays Readings
Malachi 3:1-4
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6

Todays liturgical colour is

Minor Festivals and Colours this week
None this week.

Special Feature: Cooking for Advent!

Whole Wheat Sweet Porridge
Thick, sweet and satisfying, this whole wheat porridge was easy for our ancestors to whip up whether at home or on the road. It makes a delicious and nourishing breakfast, a comforting snack on a winter's night, or even a dessert at the end of a light meal.

Rinse the whole wheat and bring to a boil with the water. Cover pot, lower heat to a simmer and cook 1/2 hour. Add the milk, raisins and nuts. Continue to cook till the wheat is crunchy-tender, about 30 minutes, depending on size and age of wheat. Prepare little dishes of cinnamon and honey for setting on the table. Pour the wheat porridge into a casserole dish, or spoon it into separate bowls, and serve. Let guests add their own ground cinnamon and honey to taste.
Recipe Source: Foods of the Bible by Phyllis Glazer

Thought for the Week.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain

Photo credit: 'Road Work Ahead' by Mark Brannan, USA


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