The Online Meeting Place of Illawarra Lutheran Parish.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hi, It's been said that signs can either clarify or confuse. For me, this pic from 'The Lutheran' magazine (May 2005) seems to sum up what I think really shows one of the differences about the Lutheran faith: Works in the left hand kingdom, Grace in the right hand kingdom.
Christians with a Reformation heritage are often accused of being cold & dispassionate. I have even heard some people claim that "Calvinists are miserable people, who live in a miserable world" as if we go around all day long stewing over the wrath of God. Well, from my experience Reformed folk tend to be the most upbeat people around -- why shouldn't they be, after all we advocate that God is Sovereign thus we need not fret about salvation or events in our lives. Yet, Reformed folk have also been some of the most mighiest evangelists throughout church history. (Wycliffe, Edwards, Spurgeon, & others). So, to show that Reformed folk are positive, jovial folk I'd like to present you with this little presentation that I know even the meaniest Catholic or Anabaptist will get a chuckle out of.
I am currently serving as the Pastor for the Illawarra Lutheran Parish which has worshipping communities gathering in Wollongong, Oak Flats, and Nowra in New South Wales.
This seemed like a good place to post this...
The Reformation Polka
Christians with a Reformation heritage are often accused of being cold & dispassionate. I have even heard some people claim that "Calvinists are miserable people, who live in a miserable world" as if we go around all day long stewing over the wrath of God. Well, from my experience Reformed folk tend to be the most upbeat people around -- why shouldn't they be, after all we advocate that God is Sovereign thus we need not fret about salvation or events in our lives. Yet, Reformed folk have also been some of the most mighiest evangelists throughout church history. (Wycliffe, Edwards, Spurgeon, & others). So, to show that Reformed folk are positive, jovial folk I'd like to present you with this little presentation that I know even the meaniest Catholic or Anabaptist will get a chuckle out of.
Click this link to see the presentation: Reformation Polka
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