Plateau Experiences.
Hi All!
Ever had a 'mountaintop experience' where life finally seems to make sense and everything falls into place? Trouble is, when we come down from the mountain, the reality of life brings us right back down to earth! We feel as humans that we should soar with the eagles but, as they say, that's hard to do when you feel like a turkey!
The disciples were amazed and troubled to find Christ saying that we are blessed if we are poor and woe to the rich! How do we in the western world feel when poverty is such a remote concept to most of us?
Today the 'Prosperity Gospel' is preached far and wide: if you are a Christian, you deserve to be wealthy and indeed you should be: it shows how much 'faith' you have!
Of course, Scripture shows that this is a nonsense. Christ is for us no matter what our social standing, wealth, state of mind, age, colour, sex, etc. Rich or poor, ALL can have eternal life through and ONLY from Christ!
Download and listen to: Plateau Experiences.
Illawarra Lutheran Parish
11th February 2007
Epiphany 6
Parish Picnic Day
Port Kembla
11th February 2007
Epiphany 6
Parish Picnic Day
Port Kembla
Prayer of the Day
Just and merciful God, you bring down the mighty from their thrones and lift up the lowly and you fill the hungry with good things. Teach us to rely on you alone and to hunger foe what is right. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.Todays Readings
Jeremiah 17:5-10
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6: 17-26
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6: 17-26
Major and Minor Festivals This Week
None this week.
Thought for the Week.
"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others."-John Andrew Holmes
Photo credit: 'Nice' by Marian Chivu, Bucharest, Romania.
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