Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Theistic Practicalist!

Hi All,
Doubting Thomas....we've all heard the term. It's used to describe someone who won't believe something unless they can see it and touch it.

Today, we come 'face-to-face' with the disciple Thomas. He wouldn't believe the other disciples, but as soon as he sees Christ, he utters one of the deepest theological statements on the true nature of Jesus: "My Lord and my God!"

Listen to Pastor John as he delves deeper into the reaction of Thomas in that locked room.

Click here to download: The Theistic Practicalist!

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
15th April 2007
Easter 2

Prayer of the Day
Merciful God, your Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life, who gives hope and joy to those who doubt. Give to us who do not see you faith and life and blessing, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Today's Readings
Acts 5: 27-32
Revelation 1: 4-8
John 20: 19-31

Major and Minor Festivals for the Week
None this week

Thought for the Week
The very first virtue of true religion is intellectual obedience, in imitation of Christ's obedience to the Father, by which He saved us all. In stark contrast, it has often been said that those who wish to feel religious without surrendering their minds and wills to God inevitably become Anglicans or Episcopalians. - Dr. Jeff Mirus

Photo credit: 'Decisions Don't Know' by Steve Woods, Colchester, Essex, UK.


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