Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Alpha and Omega

Been absent due to illness lately, but now I'm back on deck and today, Pastor John's message from the 20th May is available.

Are you worried about the end of the world? Do you think you'll be OK because you'll get what you deserve when Christ returns?
What do we deserve? We deserve eternal death-separation from God-forever, for we are sinners, there's no getting away from that fact.

But Christ paid those wages of sin, dying for us, allowing us to 'wash our cloaks in the blood of the lamb'. Only for Christs sake can we be welcomed in to Heaven.
But what of now for us-what do we do while we are waiting? Bring the message of God's love in Jesus Christ to everyone, both by telling and by showing what that love is.

Click to download and listen: Alpha and Omega.

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
23th May 2007
Easter 7

Prayer of the Day
Holy Father, your Son prayed for his disciples that they would be one, as you and he are one. Keep your whole church harmoniously together in faith and love by the one Spirit. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Photo credit: 'The Living Word' by Bill Davenport, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada. (Stained Glass from Wolfville Baptist Church (founded 1765) Wolfville, Nova Scotia.)


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