Thursday, April 01, 2010

There are times you wonder...

I think I am in the right frame of mind for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Betrayal...ignorance...fear...loss...death...doubt. So the sermons should be spot on if I let them come from the heart. Easter could be interesting though. In some ways it is harder to make the transition through the story without there being a physical death and resurrection to witness. What we have is just the story. But if I look within myself I find all the elements of the story being lived out. The constant compromise that leads to betrayal of faith, of self, and of Jesus. The ignorance that allows me to remain complacent and uncommitted. The fear of rejection or of the unknown which makes me cling to habitual behaviours and lifestyle. The loss of hopes, dreams, purpose, love. The death...well my own death is coming soon enough...but the stories of death all around the world...Haiti, Chile, Russia, US, Australia. And doubt?? Doubt! A doubt big enough to be evidence that somewhere in there lives a faith. Just right the disciples...I am wondering just what is going on!!! So what is new?


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