The fine line...
There is a fine line between seeking out the truth and simply trying to gather supporting arguments for your own personal dogma and traditions. Luke 20:27-40 gives a great picture of how Jesus responded when put in this position.
The Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, were simply trying to prove their point by creating a logically ridiculous picture. Which of the brothers would be her rightful husband.
Jesus' response is simple and straightforward. Life after death is not like life prior to death. Life in the eternal realm is not like life in this temporal realm. More importantly, God is not like us and his existence cannot be defined in human terms and in human time.
The Teachers of the Law who are observing this exchange chip in... "A good answer".
But the thing is...the good answer is really no answer. I have some knowledge of this life as limited as it may be by my experience and intelligence and perceptions. I have no knowledge beyond that. In truth I have no knowledge about anything beyond this very moment. What the rest of today holds for me is as much a mystery as what it will be like to die. So we come back to some basic Biblical wisdom.
Make the most of the moment in which you are living right now. Leave the rest in God's hands.
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