Friday, December 10, 2010

Just what are you looking for?

After proclaiming the approaching Kingdom of God and then pointing out Jesus as the very Lamb of God, we now find John asking "Are you the one who was to come or should we expect someone else?" John the Baptist's question is almost shocking. Has John lost faith? Is the closeness of death calling up his doubts? Or is it more that Jesus was not the winnowing fork of judgment that John had proclaimed? Rather than gathering up the chaff (sinners) for the fire or laying the ax to the root of the tree Jesus was proclaiming forgiveness and eating and drinking with the outcasts and sinners of the society. He was not leading a rebellion against the Roman authorities, but calling his followers to turn the other cheek and go the extra distance, all the while praying for those who persecuted them and blessing anyone who cursed them. So is it any wonder that John begins to question if Jesus is the one.

When reflecting on this it struck me that this forgiving, healing, accepting Jesus doesn't seem to be the one many Christians are looking for even today. Diseases and natural disasters are pointed up as signs of God's judgment on sinners. Warnings are proclaimed about the end of the world, the coming destruction and the fires of hell. Here is John's winnowing fork and axe.

Yet Jesus' response to John's question point us in a different direction. It's not about John's or our expectations of what Jesus should be, but it is all about who Jesus is. He is the one heals the blind, the lame, and the deaf. He raises the dead. He preaches good news of God's grace for all people. Here is the reality of who Jesus is. Here is the reality of God. Here is the reality of grace.

And in this response Jesus is calling us to follow him in this way. For the true community of God, the church, is a place for healing, compassion, acceptance, and hospitality for everyone. When we begin to put this into practice in our faith communities and in our personal daily lives then the Kingdom of God is truly near as this grace is found in us and expressed continually through our words, attitudes and actions.

PS...just a note on a completely different topic. Southern Cross Reformer was selected as one of the top 50 blogs by Theology Degrees Online. Follow the link below to see the list as it includes some great blogs by Lutherans around the world and check out the site itself. Some good opportunity for online theological education.


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