Friday, December 16, 2011

Mary, Mary...

Luke 1:26-38 records for us the visitation of Mary by the angel Gabriel. A surprising event by any standard. Angelic visitors are always noteworthy. The message that this one brings if even more so. Surprising. Noteworthy. Threatening. Challenging.

The announcement that God has chosen Mary to be the mother of his son puts her at risk. Who among friends and relatives would believe the story of divine visitation and holy overshadowing? A pregnant young teenager is more a matter of hormones and lack of control. And besides, if God was really going to come to earth wouldn't he come fully developed. A general or leader to free his people. Why a baby??? Why the long haul of growing up and maturation? Why the toilet training? The learning to speak and eat? Why the struggle of adolescent? No sense in this plan. Nothing that would make Mary's story believable anyway.

But while the idea of getting caught up in Mary's predicament or her blessedness at being chosen by God is interesting, the text asks a bigger question of us. For in reading Mary's story and then watching it unfold in the life of Christ recorded for us in the Gospel, we can see ourselves and our own life. As you look at your life you need to ask yourself this question.

Do you believe that God is active in your life today?


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