Friday, February 01, 2013

Love is...

1 Corinthians 13 is our text this week. A popular choice for weddings. You will find portions of it on greeting cards and inspirational posters. It was the basis for a series of cute "Love is..." cards and knick-knacks years ago that showed a boy and girl standing shyly either side of some saying like "Love is...bringing them breakfast in bed." or some such.  The truth about what Paul is saying here is tougher. This love is not much about emotion and cute. It's about patient endurance in the face of stupidity and meanness. It's about forgiveness and compassion in the face of hurt and harm. The love he speaks about comes from a decision of the will to love...not a heartfelt gush of warm emotion. Remember Paul's model for love at all times is Jesus. A love that sacrificed itself even for its very enemies. A love that called both hypocrites and followers to account. A love that sought only to do the will of God and not the pleasure of the people around. This love is hard and tough, but essential. To state simply what Paul is saying here...Anything undertaken without love is worthless, pointless and useless. 

Got that?  Then keep it in mind.


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