Sunday, July 16, 2006

What Do You See?


Hello All,
Todays message by Lay Leader Andrew Mattiske is from Luke 7:36, Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee.

Many stories from the Gospels tell us as much about one person as the other. Simon invited Jesus for a meal, but as we find out did not extend to him the normal coutesies due to an honored guest in Jewish culture. These were left to the unknown woman, who proceeds to welcome Jesus with gifts of the highest praise.

Simon is then told by Jesus about two men who owe different amounts. Simon correctly surmises that the one with the higher debt has more love for the one who forgives the debt. Jesus then forgives the woman her many sins.

Of course, those at the table miss the object lesson entirely, focusing instead on "Who is this, who even forgives sins?" (v49)

(To forgive sins meant you were calling yourself God, as only God could forgive sins. To equate yourself with God was considered the highest blasphemy in the Jewish faith, punishable by death.)

We would do well to remember who Christ is and what His Message is, rather than how we view Him through the filter of our culture.

Todays message: What Do You See?

Illawarra Lutheran Parish.
16th July, 2006.
6th Sunday after Pentecost.

Prayer of the Day.

Holy and merciful God, give us a clear vision to see what is right and true, and the courage to live by it, whatever the cost may be. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Prayer Points.
  • Pray for a restful break for Pastor John and his family.
  • Pray for the people of God, the church throughout the world, that God's glory be sought and not humanity's.
  • Pray for people of influence, political leaders, all governing bodies, especially those who influence ethical decisions.
  • Pray for those who are able to donate blood or plasma to norish others as Christ gave His blood for our lives.
  • Pray for the judicial system: the courts, judges, lawyers, barristers, the police and prison workers.
  • Pray for all victims of abuse and crime.
  • Pray for all in prison because of wrong things they have done, that they may turn from the ways of their past.
  • Pray for Fritz T., Christine F., Max C., Kiara B and Linda F. as they struggle with ill health.
Today's Readings.
Amos 7: 7-15
Ephesians 1: 3-14
Mark 6: 14-29

Today's liturgical colour is
The colour of life and growth in nature. Used in the meditative teaching Seasons which emphasise the living demonstration in the Christian of the power of God's salvation.
Use from the First Sunday after Trinity, or from the Monday after Trinity Sunday, through the Season to, but not including, the Vespers of the Saturday before the First Sunday in Advent.

Minor Festivals (and Colours) this Week.
None this week.

Thought for the Week.
Commit your way to the Lord: trust in Him and He will act!

*Photo: 'A break from reading 1' by Charles Thompson


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