The Grace-Filled Word.
Hello Everyone!
This week Pastor John talks on the Syrophoenecian woman of Mark 7. Through her we find that grace was available to all people, not just the Jews. Here is the beginning of the 'true Jews' mentioned by Paul: the inheritors of the Kingdom of God through God's unmerited grace, not a racial exclusivity.
Click here to listen to: The Grace-Filled Word.
Illawarra Lutheran Parish. 10th September 2006 14th Sunday after Penticost.
Prayer of the Day.
Generous God, like a loving parent you always welcome us when we come to you. Encourage us to keep on approaching you for whatever we need, knowing that you supply what is best for us. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
Prayer for General Synod.
Father, we pray for those who will go to General Synod with their minds already made up about whether the ordination of women in our church is your will. Keep them always open to the Holy Spirit. We also pray for those who will go to Synod undecided and confused. Help us to be sensitive to them, keep us from exerting pressure on each other and lead us together to agreement on the truth of your word and will for us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer Points.
Isaiah 35: 4-7a
James 2: 1-10, 14-17
Mark 7: 24-37
Todays liturgical colour is
Minor Festivals and Colours this Week.
Thought for the Week.
We are saved solely by faith in our Savior, but a genuine saving faith cannot but show and express itself through attitudes and deeds of love.
From 'This weeks notes on the readings.' (James 2: 1-10, 14-17.)
Photo Credit: 'Poor Beggar Woman-Romania 1993' by Pipp, Germany.
Illawarra Lutheran Parish. 10th September 2006 14th Sunday after Penticost.
Prayer of the Day.
Generous God, like a loving parent you always welcome us when we come to you. Encourage us to keep on approaching you for whatever we need, knowing that you supply what is best for us. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
Prayer for General Synod.
Father, we pray for those who will go to General Synod with their minds already made up about whether the ordination of women in our church is your will. Keep them always open to the Holy Spirit. We also pray for those who will go to Synod undecided and confused. Help us to be sensitive to them, keep us from exerting pressure on each other and lead us together to agreement on the truth of your word and will for us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer Points.
- Give thanks with Pastor John & Tresma at the birth of son Samuel Isaac Strelan, born 5th September.
- Pray for much-needed rain in most areas of NSW.
- Pray for those in our community struggling with ill health or in hospital: Max C., Hardy B., Christine F., Fritz T., Linda F. and Roma W.
- Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our parish to lead us into mission.
- Pray for Pastors Hayden Blaess and Rob Edwards and the Lutheran congregations in Burrumbuttock.
- Pray for the LCA that delegates at Synod would be guided by the spirit of peace as they decide on the issue of women's ordination.
- Rejoice with Gaby Gutjahr & Geoffrey Slater joined in marriage yesterday.
Isaiah 35: 4-7a
James 2: 1-10, 14-17
Mark 7: 24-37
Todays liturgical colour is
Minor Festivals and Colours this Week.
Thought for the Week.
We are saved solely by faith in our Savior, but a genuine saving faith cannot but show and express itself through attitudes and deeds of love.
From 'This weeks notes on the readings.' (James 2: 1-10, 14-17.)
Photo Credit: 'Poor Beggar Woman-Romania 1993' by Pipp, Germany.
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