Through the Eye of a Needle.
Hello Everyone!
This week we have a special treat: Pastor John's dad, Reverend Joe Strelan is preaching on the passage from Mark 10:17. The rich young ruler who meets Jesus on the road to Jerusalem. There are many 'classic' statements in this passage that show us how our worldview can seriously mess up our thinking on important spiritual truths.
His most telling question is "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" As we know, you don't 'do' to inherit; it is a gift, given by one who has died. The deceased can bequeath to whomever they wish and many people have been given an inheritance even though they may have known the person for the briefest time, or (in the case of institutions) not even at all!!
And so it is with our Lord: he will give His inheritance to those He will (doctrine of election) because we cannot do anything: we are 'dead in our transgressions'!
Illawarra Lutheran Parish
8th October 2006
18th Sunday after Pentecost
8th October 2006
18th Sunday after Pentecost
Prayer of the Day
Our Saviour Jesus, it is through you that we come to God. Do not let us be drawn away from you by the glitter of wealth or the burdens of daily concerns, but make us ready to leave everything and boldly follow you. For you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.Prayer Points.
- Pray for the work of pastor Simon Mackenzie in Thailand and for his safety at this time.
- Pray for those who are sick in hospital: Fritz T., Max C., Irmgard J., Christine F. and Linda F.
- Give thanks that the LCA could meet together as synod this past week.
- Pray for the spirit of freedom and openness in our church so that the Gospel can do its work.
- Give thanks for the gift of grace that comes from God and leads to eternal life.
- Pray that our tongues would be loosed to speak the Good News the we have received.
- Pray for Pastor Michael Braunberger and the St. Andrews & St. Peter's congregations in Lavington.
- Pray for our national president Rev. Michael Semmler who was re-elected for another three years at synod.
Todays Readings
Amos 5:6,7,10-15
Hebrews 4:12-16
Mark 10:17-31
Hebrews 4:12-16
Mark 10:17-31
Todays Liturgical colour is
Minor Festivals and Colours this week:
Thought for the Week.
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
Mark 10:17 (GNB)
Photo Credit: 'The World is Yours' by Brian Lary.
Photo Credit: 'The World is Yours' by Brian Lary.
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