Sunday, August 27, 2006

50th Anniversary.

Hello All!
Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the St John's Women's Fellowship. The Fellowship has been a wonderful arm of the church over this long period and have helped many to find friendship in a new country, as well as raising much needed funds for the church and other needs. To date some $70,000 has been given to the work of the Lord and in the spirit of this, a portion of todays offering will be given to the Australian Lutheran World Service.

This is also time to especially thank Ruth Mataitis OAM for her unending support of the Fellowship over those 50 years. Well done, Ruth, you are an inspiration to us all!!

Pastor John's message today focuses on Ephesians 6:10-20, where Paul tells us to put on spiritual armour against evil and use your 'everyday shoes' to bring the Gospel to those who surround us in our vocations.

Click to listen to: 'The Armour of God'

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
27th August, 2006 12th Sunday after Penticost.

Prayer of the Day.
Make us strong, almighty God, to stand firm in your word against all spiritual attacks, so that we are equipped to keep praying for your people. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Prayer Points.
  • Give thanks that the Holy Spirit clothes us with the armour of God and fights the spiritual battle for us.
  • Give thanks for the St John's Women's Fellowship and their many years of service to the congregation.
  • Give thanks for all the women who have been involved with the fellowship over the years.
  • Pray for enthusiasm and courage to put on our gospel shoes to reach those who don't know the love of Jesus.
  • Pray for St Luke's, Albury and their new pastor, Rev. Geoff Kuchel as he begins his ministry.
  • Pray for those in our community who are hospitalized or are suffering ill-health: Fritz T., George W., Christine F., Linda F. and Max C.
Todays Readings.
Joshua 24:1,2a,14-18
Ephesians 6:10-20
John 6:56-69

Todays Liturgical Colour is

Minor Festivals and Colours this Week.
None this week.

Thought for the Week.
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

*Photo credit: '50' by Wilfried Heider, Germany.


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