Monday, June 04, 2007


Hello Again!
Romans 5: what a fantastic piece of divine scripture! For eample, in just one small line we learn about what faith is and how we should rejoice in suffering!
But how hard is suffering to suffer? We would all like an easy life, avoiding suffering at all costs. They are those, of course, who do 'boast in their suffering', but for the wrong reasons: the businessman, the actor, the athlete. We've all seen those who boast how tough they did it and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.
So how should Christians handle suffering? Listen to Pastor Johns' message and maybe you'll find some insights into this perplexing dilemma.

Oh; and be wet by grace!

Click to download and listen: Wet.

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
3rd June 2007
Trinity Sunday

Prayer of the Day.
Eternal God, you have revealed yourself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and you live in the perfect unity of love. Give us a sure faith in you, so that we share in your holy fellowship and life as three Persons in one God, now and forever. Amen.

Photo credit: 'Water Splash' by Justyna Furmanczyk, Netherlands.


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