Everything old is new again....
Simon Peter said to the others, "I am going fishing."
"We will come with you," they told him. So they went out in a boat, but all that night they did not catch a thing. John 21:3
I find it interesting that despite the amazing events surrounding Easter...darkened sky, earth quake, dead being raised and then ultimately Jesus' resurrection from the dead and his personal appearances...the disciples go fishing. It is almost as if everything got to be too much for them so they went back to what was familiar...fishing.
Often I do this when things get too much. Go do something safe. Something familiar. It is like a buffer that protects me from asking too many questions or reflecting on how events are impacting on my life.
So along comes Jesus and once again disturbs the disciples routines. After catching no fish all night, Jesus suggests that they put the net down on the 'right side' of the boat. Suddenly the net is full and they can't pull it in.
There are a couple of things at work here. The disciple's effort produced no results, but fishing by the command of Jesus brings a rich catch. Is this a reminder that what we endeavour to do in our strength is bound to fail and that only in the strength of the Lord are we truly effective? Or is this a reminder that life, like a lake, is deep and beyond our control? If we are dissatisfied and empty with life then maybe we have let our net down in the wrong place. Listening to God will help us to find the 'right' place and there the net of our life will be full and rich.
Just a thought.
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