"I pray that they may all be one." John 17:21
It is nice to see that Jesus' prayers weren't answered all the time either. When you look around at the church today there doesn't appear to be much in the way of 'oneness'. But then is Jesus talking about 'oneness' in the sense of unity? There seems to be pretty common agreement among Biblical scholars that Jesus is not talking about organizational unity. There are some who are pretty sure that he is not talking about doctrinal or theological unity either. But then if it is not about being part of one big church or resolving all those sticky doctrinal differences, then what is this oneness that Jesus is praying for and does it have any chance to exist at all???
Verses 23 and 26 mention that divine love, 'grace'. This love is witness to the world about God and his work in the world. This love is witness to the church that God is at work among us and in us. So the question is...Is love the oneness that Jesus is praying for? Is he asking that God fill us with his grace in such way that we are gracious people? For grace can cross all boundaries and break down every dividing wall.
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