Friday, July 23, 2010

Some notes on Prayer...reflections on Luke 11:1-13

We speak of prayer is a relationship…as talking to God listening to God. But these are all in and of themselves inadequate definitions/explanations of something much greater. For prayer is not:
• a divine slot machine…put in a prayer…get your answer.
• not always saying or doing things to change the situation…

Prayer is about:
• being present in life, relationships, situations
• the uncertainty of the "we'll see" answer.
• Patiently waiting together to see what will happen.

For prayer forces us to stop…to reflect… and to take…
“a long loving look at the real”

...for the answer itself may be irrelevant. It is in being present...the uncertainty...the reflection...and sometimes the deafening silence that is the true value, the true meaning, the true purpose of prayer.

For it is there that we just may come to know more of ourselves...of others...of God.


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