As if...
Reading through Matthew 5:21-37 I get that feeling of being overwhelmed by what Jesus is setting as the standard for Christian living. It's not enough that the Law prevents me from external action, but now Jesus reminds me that the Law is also about internal reflection. Not just what I am doing, but what is it that motivates me and drives me. What are the attitudes behind what I do? The end result is always the same. Honest reflection and self-examination reveals constant failure on my part to live up to these ideals. So what hope do I have?
Martin Luther saw in these verses, as he did in so many other places of Scriptures, the constant reminder of the impossibility of the task to live the Christian God-pleasing life in my own reason and strength. These words of Jesus remind us of how far we fall short and of our deep need for one who can fulfil the Law for us and keep it perfectly in all ways and all parts. Only one human can do that...Jesus. The condemnation of the Law points me to the saving Gospel.
Jesus has kept the Law perfectly for me. Through his sacrificial life and death I now live in the grace and power of my baptism. Though I strive to live the Christ-like life to the best of my ability, ultimately it is Christ himself who lives his life in and through me and brings me into a living relationship with our gracious God. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15...He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
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