Friday, April 29, 2011

So what about you???....some further thoughts on John 20:1-19.

Thomas' confession is about "my" Lord and "my" God, not "the" Lord and "the" God. He is not claiming allegiance to a particular confessional statement or assenting to a dogma. Rather Thomas is claiming a relationship with Jesus, a relationship that defines itself in the 'Lordship' of Jesus and the divine nature of Jesus.

Thomas' confession is key to this passage. Knowing that the Gospel writer's are always including their hearers and readers in the story, it is obvious that John is asking the question of us: 'Are you are also able to make this same confession?' ...and then allow the confession to live in you and you in the confession. Thomas' confession "My Lord and My God." changes things. It changes Thomas. It changes those who hear his confession. It changes those who come in contact with him as the truth of this confession effects changes in him and his life. For no longer is Thomas' relationship with Jesus one of intellectual agreement. Now it is of the heart and the spirit as well.

So what about you????


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