Thursday, March 10, 2011

Great expectations...

The temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4 is not just a record of the struggle between good and evil, between Jesus and Satan, but also highlights the popular expectations of who the Messiah was to be and what he was to do. It was believed that the Messiah would:

Provide economic uplift for the community...If the Messiah would provide economic prosperity, they would quickly follow him…feeding of the 5000…the crowd wanted to make him king.

Establish his identity and authority by performing miracles. The use of miraculous power would be a divine identity badge…If he would act out some public, undeniable miracle in the temple area then the high priest would at once proclaim him the true Messiah. It is not by accident that he was asked, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you” (Matt. 12:38.)

Seize political power, drive out the Romans, and reestablish some form of the kingdom of David.

The problem was if Jesus had accepted the above popular view of the Messiah, and proceeded to carry out its agenda, the nation would have been at his feet, but the plan of salvation would have been destroyed. On the other hand, he presented himself as the Messiah according to God's will and refused this popular view of messiahship. As a consequence he faced opposition, hostility, and rejection. Ultimately this lead him to a way of sorrow, suffering and death. In this way God's plan of salvation was completed.

Today, people still hold similar views of Jesus. They look to him for prosperity, material blessings and provision. They look to him for miracles as proof of his existence and power. They look to him as the basis for societal, cultural and government decreed morality.

Jesus never promoted any of these expectations. He was quite open in his opposition to them. His call was to a living relationship with God and with others. Not one of superiority or charity, but of mutual recognition and respect, of love and compassion, of walking with one another, of being people of grace. Living in grace means that much of what we ask of God can really come from us. Needs can be met by reducing our expectations or generously sharing with those in need. Miracles can occur through the kindness of strangers and in the everyday occurrences of life. As for power, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and others become our model. As we become more Christ-like the earthly powers cannot prevail.

Ultimately the devil's temptations were ones which challenged Jesus to ignore the power of God that already existed within him through Word and promise. He wanted Jesus to look for the grand and glorious, and live up to the expectations of others. Jesus refused to fall into the trap and walked the way of God, the way of servant. Through his service is our saving.

We too are called to live and walk as servants. Servants of God who are called to serve the people around us. Through our service, God works his grace in others.


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