Thursday, January 05, 2012

The gifts we bring...

There is an old joke about the visit of the Wisemen as recorded for us in Matthew 2:1-12. Wisemen bring gifts. Wise women would have brought casseroles.

Though some might see it as sexist, I think it also shines a light on an interesting topic. What do I bring to worship the Christ-child?

The Wisemen's gifts seem lavish, costly and rich. Anything I bring pales in comparison. As consequence, I am tempted to believe that I have nothing to offer or what I do have is of little value. This is where the wise women come in. The joke reminds us that for all the value of the Wisemen's gifts, the wise women bring that which is practical and necessary for survival in the home and family with a new born child. I need only think back to when our first child was born and all the upheaval that his arrival brought to our home and family. Though we valued the precious gifts of Christening mugs and silver crosses and baptismal plaques and toys, what was of most help and met our immediate needs were frozen dinners and pots of soup. Offers of housecleaning and garden maintenance as we struggled to make the necessary adjustments to our lives with a newborn.

The story of the Wisemen is about bringing your gifts to Christ, whatever those gifts may be. And though gold and frankincense and myrrh were valuable commodities and pointed in a prophetic way to what lay ahead for this child, I am sure that the practical family support that surrounded Jesus, Joseph and Mary at this time was of more practical value and just as precious. In the same way, our simple gifts of daily compassion, service and love are richly treasured by God and of great value in the service of his kingdom...even if no one else notices the gifts we bring.


At 15:08, Blogger Weekend Fisher said...


To go with that same line of thought, if we're to see Christ in the least of those around us ... maybe the next couple that just had a child, we can see Christ in them, and do for the least little one there.

They probably wouldn't mind the casserole. :)

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF


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