It's been awhile...
It's been a couple of months since I put anything down in this blog. Probably because I cam working through one of those times in life trying to figure out who I am now and where I want to be in the coming years. Sadly, but no clear answers yet. However there are some developing ideas. The text from 1 Peter 2:2-10 inspired me to put something out there this week. In this portion of the letter there are some telling comments about just who I am, or maybe, who I am called to be in Christ. Phrases like 'living stones', 'royal priests', 'holy nation', 'God's own people' make me stop and think. Are these words describing who I am or who I am meant to be? And just what does that mean in terms of everyday living? How do I fulfill the role of royal priest or living stone? What does it mean to be part of a holy nation or God's own people? Big questions. I'm still working on the answers.
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