Sunday, July 16, 2006

Update for 9th July, 2006.

Hi All,
Here's the post for last week. I'm feeling much better now!

Illawarra Lutheran Parish.

9th July, 2006.
5th Sunday after Pentecost.

Prayer of the Day.*

Loving heavenly Father, your Son brought hope and healing to people, but was rejected. Stay close beside us when we are lonely and afraid and encourage us to keep going when we face trouble. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Prayer Points.
  • Pray for the continued preaching of the Gospel and the right administration of the Sacraments.
  • Pray for pastors, parish workers, youth workers, elders, pastoral assistants, leaders in the church and all those who help bring the Gospel to a world where people are blinded by popular opinion and cannot see the truth.
  • Pray for our nations leaders: the Queen, her representatives, the parliments, the prime minister and cabinet, the departments, the opposition and the whole system of government.
  • Pray for all Christians throughout the world who are persecuted for their faith.
  • Pray for those living close to the poverty line, the homeless, the unemployed, pensioners, students and indigenous people.
  • Pray for those who are able to donate blood to norish others as Christ gave His blood for our lives.
  • Pray for a restful break for Pastor John and his family.
  • Pray for Fritz T., Christine F., Max C., Kiara B. and Linda F. as they struggle with ill health.
Today's Readings.
Ezekiel 2: 1-5
2 Corinthians 12: 2-10
Mark 6: 1-13

Today's liturgical colour is
The colour of life and growth in nature. Used in the meditative teaching Seasons which emphasise the living demonstration in the Christian of the power of God's salvation.
Use from the First Sunday after Trinity, or from the Monday after Trinity Sunday, through the Season to, but not including, the Vespers of the Saturday before the First Sunday in Advent.

Minor Festivals (and Colours) this Week.
None this week.

Thought for the Week.
Blessed be His glorious name forever: may His glory fill the whole earth!

*Photo by Amir Darafsheh: 'Girl in Light & Darkness'


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