Love's Dimensions.
Hello Everybody!
This week sees the return of Paston John and family from vaction. We welcome him back and thank God for keeping them all safe during their much-needed recreation time.
Pastor John's message this week centers on the love Christ has for us. In Pauls great prayer to the believers at Ephesus (in Turkey), he prays for power, faith, love for them so they can come to know how Christs love fills the believer with 'the very nature of God.'
I was also intrigued by verse 20, where Paul mentions God's power doing 'much more than we can ever ask for or think of' Notice he does not even mention what we can do (in our own flesh) with Gods power, for without the Holy Spirit in us we cannot 'do' anything for God: it is the Holy Spirit in us that makes us do the good that is acceptable to the Lord.
Download or listen here: Love's Dimensions.
Illawarra Lutheran Parish.
30th July, 2006.
8th Sunday after Pentecost.
Prayer of the Day.
Eternal God, we thank you that you make all things work together for good to those who love you. Help us cheerfully trust in you, knowing that your generous hands give us food and your watchful eyes keep us safe. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Prayer Points.
2 Kings 4: 42-44
Ephesians 3: 14-21
John 6: 1-21
Today's liturgical colour is
The colour of life and growth in nature. Used in the meditative teaching Seasons which emphasise the living demonstration in the Christian of the power of God's salvation.
Use from the First Sunday after Trinity, or from the Monday after Trinity Sunday, through the Season to, but not including, the Vespers of the Saturday before the First Sunday in Advent.
Minor Festivals (and Colours) this Week.
None celebrated this week.
Thought for the Week.
Thou dost show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy!
*Photo credit: 'Jesus on the Cross' by Lois Carroll
(This photo was taken at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Washington, DC.)
Illawarra Lutheran Parish.
30th July, 2006.
8th Sunday after Pentecost.
Prayer of the Day.
Eternal God, we thank you that you make all things work together for good to those who love you. Help us cheerfully trust in you, knowing that your generous hands give us food and your watchful eyes keep us safe. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Prayer Points.
- Give thanks that we and all people are welcome in the family of God.
- Praise God for the love he has shown through Jesus.
- Pray with St Paul that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith as we are rooted and grounded in love.
- Pray for an end to hostilites in Lebanon and in Iraq.
- Pray for thos ein ill health: Christine F., Max C., Klara B., Fritz T., Roma W. and Linda F.
- Pray for the N. family as they remember the loss of Merri and Kyosti N in a car accident 30 years ago this week.
- Pray for all delegates preparing to attend General Synod and for the Holy Spirit's guidence as our Church seeks clarity on the question of the ordination of women.
2 Kings 4: 42-44
Ephesians 3: 14-21
John 6: 1-21
Today's liturgical colour is
The colour of life and growth in nature. Used in the meditative teaching Seasons which emphasise the living demonstration in the Christian of the power of God's salvation.
Use from the First Sunday after Trinity, or from the Monday after Trinity Sunday, through the Season to, but not including, the Vespers of the Saturday before the First Sunday in Advent.
Minor Festivals (and Colours) this Week.
None celebrated this week.
Thought for the Week.
Thou dost show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy!
*Photo credit: 'Jesus on the Cross' by Lois Carroll
(This photo was taken at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Washington, DC.)
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