Friday, February 17, 2012

Just some thoughts...

This Sunday is Transfiguration and I am continuing through the Epistle readings for this year which brings us to 2 Corinthians 4:3-6.

Some thought-starters for me were:

Transfiguration can be met with celebration…not explanation or moral lessons...I like that!!! So often we want to provide people with some sort of explanation to help them understand or apply the teachings of Jesus or Scripture in some way. Paul talks about 'revelation' and doesn't mention application or understanding.

An interesting historical note I came across in my reading. A Supernova occurred in 1054 AD which was recorded in China, Arabia, Arizona, Alaska, South Pacific, but not in Europe. As one historian put it, "An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it!" The same can be said for the Gospel. It's not that the Gospel isn't out there, but that we and other people refuse to see it! The human ability to limit God's that's something.

v.3... Paul may be pointing to individuals within the Christian community who misinterpret and misunderstand the gospel, not necessarily people outside the community of faith.

Note also the use of words like: veiled...blinded...cannot see...light...dark... light...knowledge...glory...face

Many images of vision…seeing.

There is the reminder in the Gospel and also here in Paul, that the transfiguration is not so Jesus being changed, but about the disciples eyes being opened for a brief moment to see the true glory of the Christ.

Our lives are to be filled with seeking out those moments when the kingdom of God is opened…investing all that we are and want to be in seeing his glory revealed.

So are Communion…baptism…prayer…worship…all ways of seeing and seeking the glory of God?

Just some thoughts.


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