Bigger Than the Beatles!
Hi Everyone,
Based on today's reading from Phillipians, Pastor John starts with the end of the career of the famous Australian Olympic swimmer Ian Thorpe. He quit because he knew there were more things in life than swimming.
Saul (St Paul) knew well that he had a good relationship with God, because he was legendary, even among his own people, an ultra-observant Jew. Yet he too, put it all away because Christ 'opened his eyes' and he finally understood who now knew him!
24th March 2007
Lent 5
Prayer of the Day
Jesus our Saviour, thank you for coming to give us life through your suffering and death. Keep us following you wherever you lead us, because we know that you have promised to take us home to God. For you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Prayer Points
- Give thanks for the gift of baptism and for God’s blessing on Maddison & Dylan Warth who become members of God’s family this morning at St John’s.
- Pray for Maddison and Dylan’s parents and sponsors that they might fulfill the promises they make this morning.
- Give thanks for the wonderful love God has shown us through Jesus.
- Give thanks for the newly elected government here in New South Wales and pray for the Premier and his ministers that they would govern wisely.
- Pray for those who are hospitalized or in ill health: Fritz Tysar, Spodra & Harold Muldins, Wendy & Hardy Blaas, Ellie Nassap, Horst Mann, Wolfgang Gutjahr, Helga Schulz.
- Pray for Pastor Pauli Huhtinen and the Finnish congregations in Sydney and Wollongong.
- As we approach Holy Week, pray for opportunities to reflect on what Jesus has done for us.
- Pray for the work of LCA Overseas Mission director Wayne Zweck and Missions Promotions Officer, Glenice Hartwich.
- Pray for the spread of the Gospel both in our own country but also in overseas countries.
Services for Holy Week.
Palm Sunday Family Service
Sunday 1st April.
Bring the family as we enter Holy Week and prepare for Easter. Puppets. Live Band.
Maundy Thursday
(Thursday 5th April)
5.30pm at St John’s.
Good Friday
(Friday 6th April)
Holy Cross: 8.45am
St John’s: 10.30am
Easter Sunday
(Sunday 8th April)
Hill 60: 6.00am
See the dawn rise over the ocean from high on a hilltop as we celebrate the rising of our Lord Christ! See in the wonder of the new day and enjoy a hearty breakfast afterward.
(Please contact Pastor John on 4262 7960 or illawarra.nsw (AT) so that we can cater for you.)
Holy Cross: 8.45am
St John’s: 10.30am
Photo credit: 'Beatles Badge' by Radek Bayek, London, UK.