Sunday, April 20, 2008

One Way: I am the Way!

Blessings All!
How many ways can you get to heaven? Is Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, the Rabbi's and Jesus all saying the same thing, just differently?

Join Lay Reader Steve as we look at this important announcement from Jesus in John 14: I am the Way.

Click to listen or download: One Way: I am the Way.

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
20th April 2008
Easter 5

Prayer of the Day.
Merciful Father, you have reached out to all people through you Son, Jesus, who died for us all.
Encourage us to live as your chosen people and give of ourselves to others. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Readings for the Day.
Acts 7: 55-60
1 Peter 2: 2-10
John 14: 1-14

Picture credit: 'One Way' © by Ben Steed,

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Good Shepherd.

Greetings Everyone!
This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday in the Church year, so join Pastor Theo as he takes up the story of just who the Good Shepard is and what He means to us!

Click to listen or download: The Good Shepherd.

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
13th April 2008
Easter 4

Prayer of the Day
Loving God, we thank you that your son Jesus is the good shepherd who cares for your people. Open our hearts to hear his voice, to know him as he calls us by name, and to follow wherever he leads. For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Readings for the Day.
Acts 2: 42-47
1 Peter 2: 19-25
John 10: 1-10

Photo credit:'Shepherd 2 (shepherd in the Carpathians) ' by Constantin Jurcut, Tristan da Cunha.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Too Good to be True!

Hello Again!
Often we may wonder about life: we usually think that if something good happens to us, there's a catch waiting to be sprung on us immediately afterward! Something may be 'too good to be true' and we refuse to believe that somethings will indeed work out just right for us.

Christs' disciples thought that after the crucification: Jesus and His message was just to good to be true: the Romans were still in charge; the religious hierarchy had Jesus unjustly killed and them started to round up and persecute the followers of Him.

Yep, things were too good to be true.

But on the road to Emmaus Jesus appeared! But could those disciples even recognize Christ? Listen as Lay Reader Steve takes up the story and tells how somethings aren't necessarily 'too good to be true'!!

Click to listen or download: Too Good to be True!

Illawarra Lutheran Parish
6th April 2008
Easter 3

Prayer of the Day
Almighty and merciful God, you made the disciples glad by the sight of the risen Lord. Remind us that he is always with us and that we now share in his resurrection. For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Readings for the Week.
Acts 2: 14a, 36-41
1 Peter 1: 17-23
Luke 24: 13-25

Apologies: There is no recording for last week (30 March) due to illness.

Photo credit:'Very Good' by Kiel Latham, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More on the Fight for Issues, Etc.

Hi All,
The blogosphere firestorm that is the fight for IE just won't go away! Posted on the 'Weedon's Blog' is a message from Mark Dowell of Columbia IL., USA.

For all of us who were listeners of this wonderful program, I ask you to read this letter and then reflect on its points. Once you do you'll realize just what we have really lost!

Please sign the petition!

God's blessings in Christ to you all.