Some thoughts at the time of Pentecost...
I have
often wondered what the sights and sounds of the first Pentecost were like.
Luke describes the scene for us in Acts 2:1-4. He mentions the ‘a noise from
the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing’. Then there was the sight of
‘what looked like tongues of fire’ that touched each person there. Finally all
the people in the room that day, not just the apostles, ‘began to talk in other
languages’. Truly mind-blowing. No wonder we find some of the crowd that
gathered on that day trying to explain everything away by accusing the
disciples of being drunk. Their minds could not comprehend what was happening.
They wanted to quickly explain it away.
There are
times I think that the church today, that’s us, is more like the gathering
crowd than the followers of Jesus who were gathered in the room that first
Pentecost. We cannot comprehend the working of the Holy Spirit so we play down
his importance or we make excuses when it seems like his power is not at work
in our lives or in our congregation. Maybe one of the reason people leave the
church or are not attracted to join in the church is because we have made it
too quiet, too predictable, too safe. If we can learn anything from that first
Pentecost it is this. When the Holy Spirit comes the silence is gone. Our settled ways are upset. All those things
we build around us for security and safety are blown away.
May our Pentecost
prayer be: Holy Spirit,
come as wind and blow the dust of death away.
Breathe the gift of life into us. Amen